Afyon, Semih, Dr.
ETH Zürich
Dr. Semih Afyon
Electrochemical Materials
HPP P 23
Hönggerbergring 64
8093 Zuerich
Phone: +41 44 633 78 96 Fax: +41 44 633 12 49 E-Mail:
- Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry-Material Science under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Nesper, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.
Development of Novel Borate-Based Positive Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries.
- M.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering, Koc University, Istanbul (and University of Texas at Austin), Turkey, 2009.
Hydrothermal and thermal stability of the flame hydrolytic synthesized TiO2/SiO2 nano‐sized composites.
- Afyon, S.; Krumeich, F.; Rupp, J.L.M.
A shortcut to garnet-type fast Li-ion conductors for all-solid state batteries
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 18636
Featured at Green Car Congress
- Afyon, S.; Krumeich, F.; Mensing, C.; Borgschulte, A.; Nesper, R.
New High Capacity Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries: Vanadate-Borate Glasses
Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 7113
Press coverage (german): 20 Minuten
Press coverage (german): Blick am Abend
ETH news article: ETH news
- Afyon, S.; Kundu, D.; Darbandi, A. J.; Hahn, H.; Krumeich, F.; Nesper, R.
A Low Dimensional Composite of Hexagonal Lithium Manganese Borate (LiMnBO3), a Cathode Material for Li-ion Batteries
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 18946-18951
- Afyon, S.; Wörle, M.; Nesper, R.
A New Li-rich Compound Li7Mn(BO3)3 containing Mn2+ in Tetrahedral Coordination – a Cathode Candidate for Li-Ion Batteries.
Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2013, 52, 12541-12544 (selected as Hot Paper)
- Afyon, S.; Mensing, C.; Krumeich, F.; Nesper, R.
The Electrochemical Activity for Nano-LiCoBO3 as a Cathode Material for Li-Ion Batteries.
Solid State Ionics 2014, 256, 103-108.
- Afyon, S.; Kundu, D.; Krumeich, F.; Nesper, R.
Nano LiMnBO3, a High-Capacity Cathode Material for Li-ion batteries.
Journal of Power Sources 2013, 224, 145-151.
- Afyon, S.; Hagemann, M.; Somer, M.; Schulze Isfort, M.
Thermal and hydrothermal stability of flame hydrolytically synthesized SiO2/TiO2 mixed oxides
Solid State Sci. 2013, 18, 91-97.
- Afyon, S.; Hohn, P.; Somer, M.
Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Vibrational Spectra of Novel Azidopalladates of the Alkali Metals Cs2[Pd(N3)4] and Rb2[Pd(N3)4]·2/3 H2O
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2010, 636, 1301-1306.
- Afyon, S.; Hohn, P.; Armbruster, M.; Baranov, A.; Wagner, F.R.; Somer, M.; Kniep, R.
Azidoaurates of the Alkali Metals
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2006, 632, 1671-1680 (cover article).
- Afyon, S.; Nesper, R.
V2O5-LiBO2, V2O5-NiO-LiBO2 glasses and their composites obtained by nitrogen doping and reduced graphite oxide blending as cathode active materials.
WO2013132023, 2013.
- Nesper, R.; Afyon, S.; Wörle, M.; Gonzales, J.
Transition metal borate comprising cathode for rechargeable battery.
WO2011128343, 2011.
Fellowships, Awards and Honors
- Research scholarship given by Tubitak (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) during M.Sc. studies.
- Full scholarship given by Koc University during B.Sc. studies based based on national university entrance exam success.
- Vehbi Koc Scholar: Spring 2004,-2005-2006, Fall 2004-2005.
- Dean’s Honor Roll: Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003.
- Top Ranking Student Award by Koc University.
Dr. Semih Afyon is currently working on “All Solid State Batteries based on New Ceramic Electrolytes” and “Novel Electrode Materials for Li-ion Batteries”. Inorganic solid electrolytes have been extensively investigated, as they provide additional advantages such as the elimination of the otherwise necessity for separators and usually better thermal and chemical stabilities. Li7La3Zr2O12 and doped variants are especially interesting solid electrolyte candidates with high Li-ion conductivities in the range of ~ 10-4 S/cm at RT and with possible large thermal operation windows.

Novel Materials for Li-ion Batteries