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ETH Zürich
Fax: +41 44 633 12 49 |
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Department of Materials and Interfaces, the Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2014.
Control of elastic properties of ceramics by external electric field
M.Sc. in Chemistry, Department of Materials and Interfaces, the Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2009.
Permanent Electrical Contacts to Organic Molecular Monolayers for Metal-Molecules-Semiconductor Junctions
B.A. in Chemistry, B.Sc. in Materials Engineering, the Faculty of Materials Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 2003.
Fellowships, Awards and Honors
Multiterminal memristive devices – benefits of anisotropy
Main Scientific questions:
• Can 4-terminal devices shed light on memristive mechanisms in different materials, when electroforming is spatially/directionally separated from read terminals?
• Can 4-terminal devices reveal functionalities of memristors: Can one write perpendicular to read? Is it possible to “gate” the memristor?
A sample after 2 photolithography steps and one PLD:
Engineering a novel resistive switching device-type based on synergy between metal oxides with different functionality
The idea is to combine several metal oxides with different functionality in order to achieve superior synergetic memristive properties. The preliminary results of vanadium oxide/gadolinium-doped ceria bilayers open new opportunities for intelligent design.
Representative voltammogram of GDC/VOx devices with different thickness of the GDC layer.
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