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Thunderbird Folder Mappings for Exchange Server




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initial version: 29.07.2010, Marc Petitmermet


Not all folders with a specific purpose are named identical in Thunderbird and on the Exchange server. This is inconvenient when using the IMAP protocol and the Outlook WebApp.

Different Folder Names

Thunderbird Exchange
Sent Sent Items
Trash Deleted Items
Junk E-Mail

Identical Folder Names

Thunderbird Exchange


Thunderbird allows the mapping of special folders to custom chosen folders.

Change Mapping using GUI

Sent -> Sent Items
  1. Thunderbird > Tools > Account Settings > Copies & Folders:
    set "Place a copy in" to "Sent Items" on the mail server
  2. Restart Thunderbird.
  3. The icon of the "Sent Items" folder should now have the little sent items icon.
  4. Copy the messages from the previous "Sent" folder to the "Sent Items".
  5. Delete the "Sent" folder.
Junk -> Junk E-Mail
  1. Thunderbird > Tools > Account Settings > Junk Settings:
    set "Move new junk messages to" to "Junk E-Mail" on the mail server
  2. Restart Thunderbird.
  3. The icon of the "Junk E-Mail" folder should now have the little junk icon.
  4. Delete the "Junk" folder.
Trash -> Deleted Items
  1. Thunderbird > Options/Preferences > Advanced > General > Config Editor
  2. Enter "" in the filter field and look for the preference name that looks like "mail.server.server#.hostname" where "#" is a number.
  3. Add a new preference by right-click an choosing "New > String"
  4. Enter "mail.server.server#.trash_folder_name" as the new preference name where "#" must be the same number as seen in step 2.
  5. Enter "Deleted Items" as the string value.
  6. Restart Thunderbird.
  7. The icon of the "Deleted Items" folder should now have the trash icon.
  8. Delete the "Trash" folder.

Change Mapping using Text Editor

  1. Quit/Exit Thunderbird
  2. Find Thunderbird's profile [1], make a backup copy of prefs.js and open it in a text editor.
  3. Add the following lines but replace "emailaddress" and "#" with your correct values:
    user_pref("mail.identity.id1.fcc_folder", "imap://emailaddress/Sent Items");
    user_pref("mail.identity.id1.fcc_folder_picker_mode", "1");
    user_pref("mail.server.server#.moveOnSpam", true);
    user_pref("mail.server.server#.moveTargetMode", 1);
    user_pref("mail.server.server#.spamActionTargetFolder", "imap://emailaddress/Junk E-mail");
    user_pref("mail.server.server#.trash_folder_name", "Deleted Items");




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